Monday, July 21, 2008

An intervention...

I'm sure some of you were wondering what happened to days #2 and 3 of the yard sale...something came up, and ...well knocked me down, I suppose you could say.

Day #2 went well, though...I will say that first. A couple from Main, visiting their mom stopped by and spent around $450 dollars...on stuff that wasn't really even out there. They turned out to be Christians and....and you know what?! I need to be off of the computer right now.

Yesterday I had a break down/panic attack/fell into a depression or realized I was in one...perhaps all of the above. I'm really not well yet. I had to send Aloria away, though she will be back later today. Lots of people came to help me...Aaron was amazing, but I need to be recouping, not typing. I'll write later!


Deanna Buoniconti said...

I'm sorry to hear your not feeling so good. We'll be praying for you. Call us! If you want someone to talk to, call me up! I'm a good listener. =)

-Your sis

Emily said...

Praying for you!

thesticklergirl said...

I don't know any details of your situation, but someone from our church said something really true and free-ing to me the other day: it is okay to have hard days, it is okay to breakdown and cry, it is okay to need a break. You are not alone and I so wish that I could give you a hug and drink some tea with you or something.

Love you!

Shelley said...

Hi Venessa,

I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you. I have struggled with depression on and off for years and I know how yucky it can feel when you are in the middle of it.

It is awesome that you recognized it so soon and didn't hesitate to reach out. That is so important. Whenever I try to get out of my "funk" on my own, it takes so much longer than when I admit where I am and ask for help.

I hope that you pull out of this quickly and are able to get back to enjoying your beautiful children.


Carrie said...

I hope you are feeling better. I've been super stressed myself with our decision to move, so I will absolutly take your advise and try not to over do things. We will be living with my parents first in Anza... about three hours from Yuma. This is also where we will be for our vacation... The kids and I will be there 'till Nov. so maybe we could get together if you are in Yuma during that time. Dave will only be there for a few days... Aug 28th-Sept3rd. Hey if you ever want to send me an email feel free. I find it difficult to have good conversation through blogger.

Alec and Becky said...

Hey Girl,
I just got caught up on your recent news about moving!! Congrats! It's awesome to hear about God's leading in your lives, and your willingness to follow. I know it's a challenging time for you right now, and that can take its toll on your mind and body. I hope you're feeling better. I've struggled with anxiety too, and know how tough it can be. But I know God will meet you right where you are. Keep reaching out! I love you and I'm praying for you!!