Saturday, June 07, 2008

A little weeding goes a long way

The other day, I took Aloria outside to play at about 8:30am... It was gorgeous outside; really, the perfect temperature. She took me straight to Aaron's strawberry patch (seen to the left of the sidewalk), where she started searching for strawberries to eat. Evidently, Aaron had already taught her to only pick the red ones. They're really tiny, but are sooo good and perfectly sweet, by the way! Anyway, I noticed that there were a lot of weeds growing in the patch, and although, I normally stay far away from planting things, let alone weeding things...I thought Aaron would appreciate it if I weeded the area for him. This led to weeding the area to the right of the sidewalk, and all around our back porch.
Aaron was surprised and impressed! ...and so this morning we headed outside again with Aloria. We ended up clearning the area fully to the right of the sidewalk and laying down and cutting the rugs to size (the many rug pieces we have laying randomly around our backyard, set aside for just such an occasion) to keep down the weeds.
Aaron then decided to go get a truck bed of gravel, and there you go...a little weeding goes a long way. We have been planning on this type of landscaping for a long time. We still have the rest of the edge of the yard to go (just keeping a rectangle of grass in the middle), but it's a good start and looks really great!
So excited!
P.S. The cinder blocks are just to keep the gravel in for now...not a permenant feature :-)

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