Saturday, April 28, 2007

Red is how I'm feeling...

I am officially not pregnant! Am I sad? A little. Am I happy? A little. Am I relieved. Yes, a little of that too. Every month is an adventure...but as long as the dollar store keeps selling prenancy tests, I'm okay with it. In fact, I am probably now their #1 customer. Gwen said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Well, I have taken four tests in the past week and a half. Each one read negative, but because each one had the potential to be positive, I kept right on taking them. I am officially insane. these delusions led me to buy 6 total, so I have two left to satisfy next month's delusions for a magical, yet unlikely, pregnancy. ...and do you want to know what is really insane?! If I had bought my tests at a real store, they would have cost a total of $90. I love you Dollaroos!


Anonymous said...

alright, my suggestion is use condums!!!! dont chance it if you dont know your cycle! that is so risky you crazy folk! (=

Nessie said...
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Nessie said...

Speaking of risking it...I believe you are one unplanned child ahead of me. In the words of Kelso, "BURN!" Oh yeah baby :-) haha Love you!