Monday, April 21, 2008

Cascade Falls

This is me clinging to Aaron for support as we made the short hike back to the car across icy covered snow...I pretty much just stepped wherever he stepped, and avoided where he slipped :-) It wasn't really that bad, but I could have slipped and that could have been bad, so I held his hand or arm wherever we walked, and I don't know how to explain it...but I just felt so loved and cared for the whole time I had to rely on him for support. It was romantic in a way I can't quite put into words :-)
In fact, I don't think we could have had a more romantic or meaningful anniversary. The one night felt longer then it was, and we really just had an amazing time away from our projects and messy house...enjoying each others company!
Three years has gone by so fast, and yet it feels like we've been married for so much a good way:-) Aaron makes being married easy. I couldn't ask for a better life then the one I get to share with him:-) ...and I thank the Lord for that!
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